Southern colonies

Southern colonies

I can describe the characteristics of daily life within the Southern colonies.

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Southern colonies

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In this lesson, students will learn about daily life within the Southern Colonies. They will explore the climate, geography, economy, and social structure of the southern colonies.

Learning objective

Students will be able to describe the characteristics of daily life within the Southern colonies.


Students begin the lesson by watching a video that depicts life on a Southern Plantation. They will discuss their observations and thoughts about what they've seen.


Students explore a timeline to learn which explorers founded Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The students will then locate the colonies on a map and learn about the influence of climate and geography on those places. Students will then learn about the cash crops that were cultivated on Southern Plantations. The lesson will also go over the economy and teach students that producing those crops took a great deal of land and labor. Students will learn about indentured servitude and slavery within the Southern Colonies. Students will explore the daily roles of men, women, and children. Lastly, they will watch a video to learn more about the government, religion, and social structure of the Southern Colonies.


Students will respond to 10 questions, including 6 true/false, 2 multiple-choice, and 2 open-ended.


Students will choose a Southern Colony to research further. They will create a brochure that highlights the features of the specific colony during the colonial time period with facts and pictures. Students may work in groups and share the information they gathered.

Teaching tips

Chart key take-aways of climate and geography, economy, daily roles, religion, and government. Create a social studies vocabulary word wall with terms used throughout the lesson for students to refer to.

Related Lessons

Gynzy features additional lessons on the original 13 colonies of what became the United States of America:

- New England Colonies
- Middle Colonies
- The 13 Colonies
- The Geography of the 13 Colonies

You can also browse more social studies lessons available on Gynzy. Create an account to get started!

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