Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words

Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words

I can apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode regularly...

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Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words

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CVC words are simple, one-syllable words made up of a consonant, vowel, and then consonant. Recognizing short and often visual words such as cat, pen, or cup give young students an accessible entry point into vocabulary. Because these words are so short, they help show the rule that every word needs at least one vowel.



Learning objective

Students will be able to apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.


Students will review the short vowel sounds. Explain that CVC words are words created with a consonant, vowel, and consonant.


Students will read a list of 5 CVC words and identify the vowel in each word. Next, they will write the word "man" and change the consonants to different words. Students will look at pictures of objects that are CVC words and write the words. They will also think of more words to add to the "-op" family.

They will touch their toes and their heads while sounding out words. They will also play a Ruzzle-like game and make words on a star.


Students will answer ten questions. They are asked to spell the given words and to determine first and last letters of words. You can also use our text-to-speech tool so students can practice spelling short words.


Why is it important to remember the vowels of the alphabet? Why is it important to know what sound a vowel makes?

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