Self-generated questions for research projects

Self-generated questions for research projects

I can create open-ended questions to help guide further research.

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Self-generated questions for research projects

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Students will be able to create HOW or WHY questions to help guide (lead, direct) further research or investigation around a topic. Students will learn about research, open and closed questions, how to fix and formulate questions into strong research questions for a research project. Students will identify questions as open and closed. Students will also identify problems within weak research questions and fix them into strong questions. Lastly, students will develop their own research questions around current issues.


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.7; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.8.7

Learning Objective

Students will be able to create HOW or WHY questions to help guide (lead, direct) further research or investigation around a topic.


Students will discuss research, be presented with a formal definition of research, and discuss the uses and purposes of research. Students will discuss ways in which information can be found or discovered (We ask questions, We Google, We ask people for information.)


Ask your students to identify the questions that produce free-form responses. The correct answers are found on the following slide. The questions that can be answered in more than one way should be selected (How did you get to school today? Why do we brush our teeth every morning?) Next, discuss closed-ended and open-ended questions and categorize a list of questions into either closed-ended or open-ended. Watch a video that discusses research questions more specifically. Following the video, have your students SAY SOMETHING or WRITE SOMETHING in response to what they heard. Discuss the research questions checklist (RQ) and steps to writing strong research questions. Take a look at some weak research questions, discuss and write the problems with those questions, and fix them to become strong research questions.


Students respond to ten mixed quiz questions. These include rearranging letters, true/false, multiple-choice, and drag and sort.


Review what you’ve learned, and have students write their own strong research questions surrounding some current student-friendly topics (the environment, social media, and/or school uniforms.)

Teaching tips

This lesson includes a lot of space for discussion. Encourage your students to share out. We learn through discussion and ideas are discovered that may not have come to mind.

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