Spelling practice: Endings - doubling a consonant and dropping the letter “e”

Spelling practice: Endings - doubling a consonant and dropping the letter “e”

I can double consonants or drop the "e" when spelling with word endings.

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Spelling practice: Endings - doubling a consonant and dropping the letter “e”

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Students will learn the strategies for when they should drop an e when spelling a word ending with an e. They will also learn when to double the final consonant based on the vowel sound.



Learning objective

Students will be able to double consonants or drop the "e" when spelling with word endings.


The lesson begins with a short review of long and short vowel sounds. The students are reminded that this will be helpful with the spelling rules they will be practicing.


The first rule students learn is to drop the e when the ending starts with a vowel. If the ending does not start with a vowel, then they just add it. Practice continues by completing lists of words where they combine base words ending with “e” to various endings. This activity is self-checking. Students will complete a “thumbs up” activity to see if they can recognize words that apply the rules correctly. The next rule begins with a review of CVC pattern for short vowels. Students find out that doubling a final consonant keeps the vowel short. Drills for this rule include writing words and using a spinner with endings, and then picking a word to apply the rule to. A proofreading slide with answers helps students use this skill in a writing context.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice and true/false questions.


Students will complete a word search that contains words that use these two rules.

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