Pollution and waste management

Pollution and waste management

I can describe the negative effects of pollution on the environment and the...

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Pollution and waste management

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In this lesson, students will be introduced to the topic of pollution and waste management. Students will be able to define what both pollution and waste management are, and will learn all about the main types of pollution including land, air, and water pollution. The lesson will focus on the main causes of pollution, and its negative impact on both the environment and human health. The lesson will then instruct students on what waste management and the benefits it can offer, while also introducing them to several methods that can help alleviate the effects of pollution. Students will complete a web activity all about pollution prevention and how they can take part in mitigating the effects of pollution. The lesson will conclude with students filling out a chart in which they list the different types of pollution and the impact they have on the environment.


MS-ESS3-4; MS-PS1-3; MS-LS2-5

Learning Objective

Students will be able to identify different types of pollution and describe the negative effects they have on the environment and human health. In addition, they will be able to understand how waste management can be effective in mitigating its risks, while also being able to list additional solutions.


Introduce students to pollution and what it is. Have students take 5 minutes to think about how water pollution may disturb animals that live in it, and how air pollution may affect birds and trees. Then, have students use the knowledge they already have about pollution and waste management to write down their answers to 3 questions.


Begin by defining air, water, and land pollution. Describe each of their causes, and the negative effects they have on the environment as well as human health. Have students watch a video all about water pollution, what it is, what causes it, and how to prevent it. Then, guide them in writing a short essay in which they summarize what they learn. Shift students attention to waste management, what it is, and how its main objective is to reduce the number of unusable materials and to prevent any potential environmental and health standards. Then explain to students different waste management strategies such as recycling and composting. Have them come up with two strategies on their own they think would have a positive impact on the environment in the long run. Have students complete a web activity about pollution prevention and discovering 13 ways they can save the earth from pollution. Then, instruct them to write a paragraph discussing the changes they will personally make to mitigate the effects of pollution. Have them compare their paragraphs to those of their classmates. Finally, have students fill out a chart listing the 3 different pollution types and their impact on the environment.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice and fill-in questions.


Students will fill out a chart listing the different types of pollution they learned about in the lesson in one column, and their respective impact on the environment in the next.

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