Review words with inconsistent spelling-sound correspondences

Review words with inconsistent spelling-sound correspondences

I can read and identify words with inconsistent spelling-sound correspondences.

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Review words with inconsistent spelling-sound correspondences

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This lesson will go over random words with inconsistent spelling-sound correspondences. It is intended for students who are familiar with this concept. The lesson provides many examples for students to practice reading and writing words with inconsistent spelling-sound correspondences.



Learning objective

Students will be able to read and identify words with inconsistent spelling-sound correspondences.


Students will look at the pictures and circle if they have long or short vowels.


Students will review the concept of words with inconsistent spelling-sound correspondences. They will then complete a series of activities, including matching words with similar spellings but different sounds, identifying words in a group that do not sound the same, and writing sentences using a pair of words with inconsistent spelling-sound correspondences.


Review the lesson with 10 questions which give sets of words that students must decide are similar sounding or not.


Group Activity #1
Students will break into two teams. They will spin the wheel and land on a word. If they read it correctly, they will earn a point for their team.

Group Activity #2
Students must find two words that are spelled the same but said differently and color them in.

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