Shades of meaning: States of mind & degrees of certainty

Shades of meaning: States of mind & degrees of certainty

I can distinguish between shades of meaning among related words.

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Shades of meaning: States of mind & degrees of certainty

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In this lesson, students will review the concept of shades of meaning. They will also expand their vocabularies with words describing states of mind and degrees of certainty.



Learning objective

Students will be able to distinguish between shades of meaning among related words that describe states of mind and degrees of certainty.


Students will look at three pictures and have to match the word to how the person is feeling in the picture.


Students will review the concept of shades of meaning. They will then look at a set of words and determine which word has the strongest meaning. Ask how students came to their conclusions. After this, students will do a series of activities, including ordering words from weak to strong, writing a word that is stronger than a given word, and determining if a list of words is in order from the weakest to strongest meaning.


Students will review shades of meaning with words that denote states of mind and degrees of certainty with 10 multiple-choice questions.


Students will write one weaker and one stronger word for the word given.

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