Practice with more Greek and Latin affixes and roots

Practice with more Greek and Latin affixes and roots

I can use Greek and Latin roots and affixes to find the meaning of unknown words

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Practice with more Greek and Latin affixes and roots

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In this lesson, students learn several new Greek and Latin roots and affixes including “acu,” “neo,” “belli,” and “helio.” They practice applying their knowledge of these words to help define words like “neolithic,” “heliosphere,” “acuity,” and “bellicose.”

Common core standards


Learning Objective

Students will be able to use Greek and Latin roots and affixes to decipher the meaning of new or unfamiliar words in a text.


Students begin by reviewing the strategies they already know for determining the meaning of unknown words and phrases. For example, they may use context clues, synonyms, antonyms, or look for examples. One way to determine the meaning of unknown words is to use root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Students will review by dragging root words they’ve already learned to the correct definition. Explain that so many English words have Latin or Greek root words, so knowing them can help you determine the meaning of many new words.


Introduce some common Greek roots: “Helio,” “neo,” and “dynam.” Tell what they mean and have students come up with their own words that contain these roots. Then introduce some common Latin roots: “Acu,” “belli,” and “liber.” Ask if they can think of any words that contain these roots. Next, students read two passages and analyze the text and word choice. Ask students to use their knowledge of Greek/Latin roots to define the words. Are there any other unknown words in the passage they can define using root words or other context clues? After this, students drag words to match the correct definition. Finally, students practice by writing a paragraph using the newly learned root words and affixes. Spin the wheel to find out how many Greek/Latin root words they should use.


Students will answer true/false and multiple-choice questions to check for understanding. They will define the root words discussed in the lesson and use their knowledge of the roots to define different words.


Students will write a paragraph about a day at the beach using at least three Greek and Latin root words and affixes. Be sure that students use a variety of vocabulary from all three categories: prefixes, root words, and suffixes.

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