Adding fractions with a common denominator

Adding fractions with a common denominator

I can add simple fractions with common denominators.

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Adding fractions with a common denominator

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Students learn to add simple fractions with common denominators.

Common core standard(s)



Discuss with students that it is important to be able to add fractions with a common denominator, because you can then determine the total of the fractions together.


Show a few images on the interactive whiteboard. Ask students to determine which fraction would represent the given image.


Tell students that fractions with a common denominator must have the same denominator. Explain how to add fractions with a common denominator. Use the image as visual support. A pizza is split into 5 pieces. One person takes 3 pieces, and the other person takes 1 piece. To determine how much pizza has been taken in total, you add the fractions together. You add 3//5 to 1//5. The total is 4//5. Tell students that with fractions with common denominators, you add the numerators. The denominators stay the same. Next ask students to add a selection of fractions with visual support. You can also add fractions with a common denominator without visual support by simply adding the numerators together. Show a few fractions on the interactive whitebord that have been mixed up and ask students to determine which fractions have common denominators. Then they practice adding the fractions with common denominators. Finally discuss how to solve fraction story problems. First determine which fractions are in the word problem and then add the numerators together. Students then practice a few fraction story problems on their own.

To check that students are able to add simple fractions with common denominators, you can ask the following questions:
- What does it mean when fractions have a common denominator?
- What do you do when you add fractions with a common denominator?

Guided practice

Students first practice adding fractions with a common denominator with visual support, then they are asked to drag the correct answer on the screen, and finally are given story problems to solve .


Discuss with students that it is important to be able to add fractions with common denominators, so you can add fractions. Show a number of fractions on the interactive whiteboard and ask them to add the fractions. They must show the answer in the fraction-circle tool. Then ask students to form pairs and discuss which fractions have common denominators and then find their totals.

Teaching tips

Students who have difficulty adding fractions with common denominators can practice with the terms "numerator" and "denominator". Remember that the denominator can be remembered as the "down"-ominator (so it belongs on the bottom). Then ask students to match fractions with a common denominator. Use images or visual support for this. Then practice adding the fractions with common denominators without visual support.

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