Form and use possessives

Form and use possessives

I can use apostrophes appropriately to show possession.

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Form and use possessives

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In this lesson, students will learn the rules to make singular and plural possessive nouns. They will complete a series of practice problems to practice these skills.



Learning objective

Students will be able to use apostrophes appropriately to show possession.


Students will review singular and plural nouns by naming examples of each. Explain why it is important to know how to form and use possessives.


Introduce possessives, words that show ownership. Students will practice how to make singular nouns possessive by adding an apostrophe and -s to the end of those words. They will also practice adding an apostrophe to the end of plural nouns to make them possessive. They will also look at non-examples, such as "many dogs" and "two boots." They will also differentiate between singular and plural possessive nouns. They will then make singular possessive nouns from phrases, like "a car that belongs to Tam." They will read several sentences and drag the correct possessive nouns to the blanks.


Students will answer 10 questions about singular and plural possessive nouns.


Students will recall what they learned and make the correct possessive noun for some more phrases.

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