Write numbers 11-20

Write numbers 11-20

Write numbers 11-20

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Write numbers 11-20

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Students learn to write the numbers 11-20.




Practice by repeating a few counting exercises. Then review writing the number 10.


Teaching students how to write a number is done using the following steps:

1. Practice "writing" the number in the air with the students. Demonstrate with your back to the students, and students follow along with your movements.

2. Write the number by tracing the grey line. You can demonstrate this, or ask a student to demonstrate this on the board. The rest can participate by "writing" in the air or on their desks.

3. Write the number by following the dotted lines. You can demonstrate this, or ask a student to demonstrate this on the board. The rest can participate by "writing" in the air or on their desks.

4. Write the number, without any help-lines, but following the help-arrows. You can demonstrate this, or ask a student to demonstrate this on the board. The rest can participate by "writing" in the air or on their desks.

These are the same steps the students will be asked to complete on their worksheets.

Check that students can write each number by asking questions like these:
- Where do you begin writing with numbers bigger than 10? (with the first number)
- How many lines do you need to make 14?


Show students what the worksheet looks like and how they should use it.


Check if students know the numbers with a counting exercise, this time without any tracing lines, help-lines, or help-arrows. Ask the students to "write" along with you the air, on their desks, or on paper.

Play a game with numbers. Draw a number in the air and the class must guess which number it is. Students can also draw a number in the air. You can increase the difficulty of this game by only starting to "write" the number in the air.

Teaching Tip

You can choose to do this lesson in stages, introducing one or two numbers per stage. Students who are just starting with writing may need lots of repetition. You can come up with extra exercises to help students remember how to write the numbers. Examples are: use a sand-box and have students write the numbers in the sand; using finger paints or shaving cream to write numbers; using sidewalk chalk in the playground; a laminated sheet with a printed number that they trace with a marker; etc Students sometimes write numbers as a mirror image. Put extra emphasis on the starting point of the number and the direction they need to write in.

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With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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