Write a letter or letters for consonants or short vowels

Write a letter or letters for consonants or short vowels

I can write a letter or letters for consonants or short vowels.

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Write a letter or letters for consonants or short vowels

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In this lesson, students will practice identifying letter sounds for consonants, short vowels, and blends.



Learning objective

Students will be able to write a letter or letters for consonants or short vowels.


Students will read sentences and determine whether they show correct capitalization. Explain why it is important to understand letter sounds.


Students will look at pictures with speakers and write the letter each word, such as "dog" or "cat," begins with. Next, they will read letter blends they hear at the beginning of each word, like "sled." They will also listen to the speaker read three words and listen to the short vowel sound at the beginning of each word. Students will match pictures to their beginning letter blends. Then, they will look at pictures and determine which letter the picture starts with.


Students will respond to ten multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true/false questions.


Students will recall what they learned in this lesson:
- What is it called when two consonants work together?
- What letter does the word box start with?

Students will look at a table with letters and find words with the short I sound (similar to our Ruzzle game).

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

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