What can and cannot be recycled

What can and cannot be recycled

I know what can and cannot be recycled.

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What can and cannot be recycled

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In this lesson, students will learn what they can recycle and how to do it. They will also learn to encourage others to recycle.



Learning objective

[Students will be able to state what can and cannot be recycled.


Students will be introduced to the concept of recycling and its significance using age-appropriate terminology. They will be presented with an engaging and entertaining video that communicates the concept, process, practices, and benefits of recycling.


Students will learn about the negative impact that waste and production inflict on the environment, animals, and people. They will learn how recycling reduces this impact. Students will also learn that not everything can be recycled, but that it is important to try to recycle everything that can.

Students will find city recycling guidelines and learn how to differentiate between what can and cannot be recycled. Furthermore, they will learn how to recycle different types of materials. They will engage in various activities, such as identifying, categorizing, preparing, and sorting recycles.


Students will recall what they learned about recycling with a few open-ended questions. They will then be presented with a scenario in which a friend wants to throw recyclable items into the trash bin.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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