Unknown words in informational text

Unknown words in informational text

I can ask and answer questions about unknown words in informational text.

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Unknown words in informational text

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This lesson goes over how to use context clues to ask questions about unknown words in informational texts to figure out their meanings. You can find the printable for the closing activity on the title slide.


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.K.4; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.4

Learning objective

Students will be able to ask and answer questions about unknown words in informational text.


Students will look at a picture and have to fill in a sentence to match the picture. They will turn and talk to their neighbor about this.


Students will discuss what unknown words are and that they can use context clues to figure out the words' meanings. They will go over ways to use context clues, like thinking of questions about the pictures, other words, or what they know about the context clue or topic. A character in the lesson will model how to ask questions about an unknown word in a passage about tents.

Students will then read sentences with (potential) unknown words and determine what the words mean. They will also look at images with captions and determine the meanings of those unknown words. Then, they will tell how they determined these meanings.


Students will review how to figure out unknown words with 10 questions. They will review strategies and determine the meaning of unknown words in sentences.


Students will complete a graphic organizer to determine word meanings. There is a printable that goes along with this activity. It is accessible from the title slide or Slide 15.

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