Time difference between analog clocks with 10 and 5 minutes

Time difference between analog clocks with 10 and 5 minutes

I can determine the time difference between analog clocks with 10 and 5 minutes.

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Time difference between analog clocks with 10 and 5 minutes

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In this lesson, students will practice calculating the elapsed time between analog clocks with 10 and 5 minutes. Students will be given the skills to find the time that has passed between two events. They will watch a video about elapsed time with analog clocks and how to utilize number lines to solve time problems. Then, students will complete several activities in which they practice solving elapsed time word problems using various strategies.



Learning Objective

Students will be able to properly tell what the difference is between two clocks with 10 and 5 minutes and determine how long a time is between them.


Students will be asked to adjust two clocks showing the time they start school, and the time they end. Then, students will be asked to ponder how much time elapses between the two events.


The lesson will begin with an explanation of elapsed time and a video explaining how to utilize number lines to solve elapsed time problems. Guide students into how to properly use both number lines and T-charts as strategies in elapsed time problems. Have students complete activities such as finding the elapsed time between two clocks using number lines, and completing their own T-chart to help Max determine the time elapsed cooking his Pizza. Next, students read word problems and solve for the elapsed time using strategies they learned in the lesson.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice questions. They will read two analog clocks and determine the correct elapsed time.


Students will imagine it is their perfect summer day and write 3 of their favorite summer activities. For each, they will adjust clocks to reflect the start and end times of those activities. Lastly, students will calculate the elapsed time.

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