The Muscular System

The Muscular System

I can name and explain the three types of muscle tissue.

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The Muscular System

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The muscular system is what allows your body to move. This lesson will teach students about the three types of muscle tissue (skeletal, cardiac, and smooth) and explain the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscle movement. Students learn about the muscle cells and ways to keep their muscles healthy. They’ll also learn about the major muscle groups of the body and their functions.



Learning Objective

Students will be able to describe the functions of the three types of muscle tissue of the muscular system.


Have students close their eyes and try to control their heartbeat. Have them do the same with their digestion. Explain that these are involuntary actions, meaning these muscles work without us even thinking about it. Explain the difference between voluntary and involuntary movements and the importance of the muscular system which allows us to write, dance, smile, and more! Then share some interesting facts about muscles.


Show the diagram of muscle cells and go through the muscle fiber, the myofibril, and sarcomere. Explain that muscles move by contracting and then relaxing. Introduce the three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth, briefly describing each. Explain each one in detail, beginning with smooth muscle. Students spin the wheel and describe how smooth muscle works in the body. Next, explain the function of cardiac muscle and then move on to skeletal muscle. Have students lift an object and observe how their bicep activates. Then have them drag the muscle type to the correct location on the diagram. Get students moving by having them stand on their toes and then squat. Can they feel their muscles working? Explain that these large muscles are powerful. Exercising can ensure that these muscles stay strong and healthy later in life. Finally, show students each of the major muscle groups.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice, true/false questions, and fill-in questions.


Students drag the names of the major muscle groups to the correct place on the diagram. These include the triceps, deltoids, hamstrings, and abdominal muscles.

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