Text features: Table of contents

Text features: Table of contents

I can read and use tables of contents.

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Text features: Table of contents

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In this lesson, students will learn about the purpose and use of tables of contents. They will start out looking at the parts of tables of contents, before using them to answer questions and find information.



Learning objective

Students will be able to read and use tables of contents.


Students will discuss with a partner the kind of information they might find in a book titled Dolphins. They will be introduced to the table of contents for the book about dolphins.


Students will see where to find the table of contents in a book. They will look at a table of contents about types of music and circle the page numbers. They will look at another table of contents with missing numbers. They will drag the page numbers to fill in the blanks. They will drag some more elements to tables of contents, making sure the information is in order.

Students will also see how a table of contents can tell readers what the book is about. For example, a book that includes chapters called, "Giraffe," "Monkey," and "Zebra" might be about zoo animals. They will then answer questions using tables of contents.


Review tables of contents with 10 multiple-choice questions.


Students will go on a book scavenger hunt in the classroom to find tables of contents.

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