Strategies for calculating percentages with friendly numbers

Strategies for calculating percentages with friendly numbers

I can use strategies to find percentages using friendly numbers.

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Strategies for calculating percentages with friendly numbers

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In this lesson, students will learn to calculate a percentage of a whole with simple percentages, such as 1%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 50%, and 75% (with numbers up to 1000). They will conceptualize how many times a percentage fits into a whole. They will also be able to visualize how smaller percentages fit into 100% with a chart. This lesson scaffolds student learning by first providing a visual, then allowing students to solve problems without a visual, and lastly giving students word problems to solve.



Learning objective

Students will be able to apply strategies to find percentages using friendly numbers.


Students will drag smaller orange squares into a larger blue square and see how many orange squares will fit in the blue square. They will do this a few times with different-sized orange squares.


Students will use a chart that shows the percentages: 10%, 20%, 25%, 50%, as parts of 100%. They will learn strategies to calculate percentages of a whole, such as 50% of 40 using the chart. Next, they will solve problems without the chart. After that, they will solve word problems with percentages with friendly numbers.

Guided practice

Review how to find percentages with friendly numbers with 10 short answer questions.


Students will reflect on the steps to take when finding a percent of a number. Then, they will solve a few more problems: one with visual support, one without visual support, and a word problem.

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