Stored energy transforming into kinetic energy

Stored energy transforming into kinetic energy

I can describe how kinetic and potential energy transform into one another.

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Stored energy transforming into kinetic energy

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In this lesson, students will learn how kinetic and potential energy transform into one another. They will look at several examples of energy transformation, as well as complete a lab about pendulums. (See below for required materials for the lab.)



Learning objective

Students will be able to describe how kinetic and potential energy transform into one another.


Students will examine a picture of a high diver at three points in his dive. They will identify whether the diver has potential or kinetic energy (or both) at each point in his dive.


Students will first review potential and kinetic energy (definitions and expressions). They will be introduced the concept that these energies can transform into one another. Examples include someone jumping up and down, a spring launching something forward, a rocket, and a toaster.

Students will then do a lab where they will dig deeper into the relationship between gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. Students will examine the motion of a pendulum (made from washer and string) and determine where the kinetic and potential energies are the greatest. They will also calculate each energy using formulas.


Students will complete an exit slip where they determine how much potential energy and kinetic energy an object has in a new pendulum problem.

Instruction materials

For the lab students will need:
- Metal washer
- 2 feet of string or thread

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