Spell high-frequency words with suffixes (Part 2)

Spell high-frequency words with suffixes (Part 2)

I can spell high-frequency words with suffixes.

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Spell high-frequency words with suffixes (Part 2)

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Students learn to spell high frequency words with suffixes (part two)



Learning objective

Students will be able to spell high-frequency words with suffixes using rules 4, 5, and 6.


Start by dragging words into boxes labeled prefix or suffix. The words dragged should have either a prefix or a suffix. Make sure that students remember what prefixes and suffixes are.


Remind students that they already learned the first three rules when adding a suffix to the end of a base word. In this lesson, you will learn the next three rules. Refresh what to do when you encounter a word that has a suffix. Tell students that you will (like the other lesson) first introduce the rule, then practice with the rule and then move on to the next rule. Rule 4 is that when a word ends with a short vowel sound as well as a single consonant, the final consonant is doubled. Show a set of examples and then have students practice with the words given. Have students fill in the letters to complete the words of the pictures shown. Then introduce rule 5, when a word ends with a consonant plus 'y', change the 'y' to an 'i', except when the suffix is "ing'. Show a set of examples and then have students practice with the words given. Have students complete the chart with the words adding -ies, -ied- and -ing. Finally, introduce rule 6, when a word ends with a vowel before the 'y' you must keep the 'y'. Show a set of examples and then have students practice with the words given. Have students determine which suffix is present in each sentence and write that word in the correct category. Have students practice adding different suffixes to given words, forming the plural. Challenge students to determine if they can apply rules 4, 5, and 6 correctly to the sets of given words.


Students are asked multiple-choice questions in which they must determine the correct spelling of a given word and suffix. They must apply the rules 4, 5, and 6 to determine what the correct spelling of the word is. They finish with some true/false questions about the rules.


Remind students that these rules help to spell high-frequency words and are the words you see and use often. Have students work in partners to see how many suffixes they can discover for each of the given words. Tell students to be careful about their spelling! Close the lesson by asking students as a class to discover how many suffixes are present on the page.

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