Shades of meaning: Closely related verbs and adjectives

Shades of meaning: Closely related verbs and adjectives

I can distinguish between shades of meaning and closely related verbs and adject

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Shades of meaning: Closely related verbs and adjectives

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In this lesson, students will learn about shades of meaning pertaining to closely related verbs and closely related adjectives. The lesson is focused on identifying words that have a stronger and weaker meaning than a given word.



Learning objective

Students will be able to distinguish between shades of meaning and closely related verbs and adjectives.


Students will match the picture with the word based on their prior knowledge.


Students will either be introduced to or review the concept of shades of meaning and how works can be ranked from weak to strong. They will take part in activities, including group related words by shades of meaning, writing 3 adjectives that come after a word based on shades of meaning, writing a word that is stronger or weaker than a given word, and matching adjectives to the shade of meaning.


Students will answer 10 questions naming adjectives stronger than the one given and deciding which word doesn't belong in a group (based on shades of meaning).


Students will play a game: Charades of Meaning. Split the class into 2 teams. Students from each team will act out 4 words and sort them from weakest to strongest.

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