Seed dispersal and plant pollination

Seed dispersal and plant pollination

I can explain the different ways seeds are pollinated and dispersed.

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Seed dispersal and plant pollination

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In this lesson, students will learn the importance of seed dispersal and pollination. Students will learn about the different ways seeds can be dispersed and how flowers are pollinated.


NGSS: 2-LS2-2

Learning objective

Students will be able to explain the different ways seeds are pollinated and dispersed.


Students will discuss the following question: What are your favorite flowers? Why do plants have flowers? They will review the life cycle of a plant and learn the main purpose of a flower is for reproduction.


The lesson will review the life cycle for plants from seeds to adult plants to explain that through seed dispersal and pollination new plants are formed. Students will learn that seeds can be dispersed in different ways; wind, water, animals, and people. They will view several examples in writing, videos, and pictures. After learning about seed dispersal, students will listen to a read-aloud of the story “Seeds Move” and jot down additional examples of specific seeds and how they are dispersed. Lastly, the lesson will also review the definition of pollen and how pollination creates new flowers. They will learn about different pollinators such as birds, bees, and bats and the reasons why they are attracted to flowers and great pollinators.


Students will respond to 10 questions including 5 true/false, 1 open-ended, and 4 multiple-choice.


Students will complete a scavenger hunt and look for examples of seed dispersal and pollination. Then, they will create their own drawing of a flower and its pollinator and explain why the pollinator is attracted to their flower.

Teaching tips

Create a vocabulary word wall/add words to existing word wall for student reference. Chart examples of seed dispersal and pollinators

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