Rhythm of words in a story or poem

Rhythm of words in a story or poem

I can describe how words give rhythm to a story or poem.

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Rhythm of words in a story or poem

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In this lesson, students will distinguish between rhyming words and alliteration. They will learn that authors use rhythm in texts to make them memorable.



Learning objective

Students will be able to describe how words in a story or poem can have rhythm.


Students will review rhyming words and alliteration.


Students will interact with a series of activities with rhyming words. They will also tell whether a sentence has rhyming words or alliteration.


Review rhyming and alliteration with 10 questions, in which students select rhyming words and decide if a given text has rhyme, alliteration, or both.


Students will spin the wheel and think of either a rhyming word or a word that begins with the letter they spun.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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