Recount fables, folktales, and myths

Recount fables, folktales, and myths

I can recount fables, folktales, and myths.

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Recount fables, folktales, and myths

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This lesson will go over prior knowledge of what myths are. It will show the importance of knowing how to distinguish between what is real and what is a myth.

Common core standards


Learning objective

I can recount fables, folktales, and myths.


Students will review the fables, folktales, and myths they might know. They will discuss the features of each.


Students will read or listen to a fable (“The Tortoise and the Hare”), folktale (“The Future Teller”), and myth (“Story of Achilles”). After reading each one, they will then answer questions about the stories.

Guided practice

Review “The Tortoise and the Hare,” “The Future Teller,” and “Story of Achilles” with ten questions questions.


Students reflect on what they learned in this lesson and why it is important. They will also fill out a Venn Diagram about two of the stories they heard.

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