Recognizing a quarter

Recognizing a quarter

Students learn to recognize a quarter.

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Recognizing a quarter

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The students learn to recognize a quarter.



Learning objective

Students will be able to recognize a quarter in an image.


Have a student determine whether each statement is true or false.


Explain that you can split the pizza into 4 pieces and drag the pieces apart to show this. State that you can now share it evenly with 3 friends because all 4 pieces are the same size. Now discuss with the students which egg carton is a quarter and which package of cookies is a quarter full. After this, have the students complete the following exercises on their own.

Check whether the students can recognize a quarter by asking the following question:
- How do you know if something is a quarter?


The students test their ability to recognize a quarter through ten exercises. In some of these exercises they must choose which image shows a quarter of the object, and for the other exercises they must determine whether a statement about a quarter is true or false.


Discuss once again the importance of being able to recognize a quarter. As a closing activity have the students drag one of the images apart and determine whether it is a quarter or not.

Teaching tips

When students have difficulty with recognizing a quarter, have them practice with an apple that you cut into different pieces (a half, a quarter, etc). Show that when you cut the apple into 4 equal pieces then it is in quarters.

Instruction materials

Apples and a knife to cut them with.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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