Recognize and explain the significance of national symbols

Recognize and explain the significance of national symbols

I can recognize and explain the significance of national symbols.

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Recognize and explain the significance of national symbols

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This lesson teaches students about the flag of the United States, The Star-Spangled Banner, Uncle Sam, the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, and the Great Seal.

Learning objective

Students will be able to recognize and explain the significance of national symbols.


Students will discuss their school's mascot and what it might symbolize about the school. They will also talk about what freedom means to them and list their ideas on the slide.


Show your students the flag of the United States and talk about how it symbolizes the country. They will read about the flag and answer questions about it. Next, they will read The Star-Spangled Banner and share a time that they've sung it. They will listen and sing along with the National Anthem as well. They will also read about Uncle Sam, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, and the Great Seal. Students will then match national symbols to their facts.


Review symbols of the United States with 10 multiple-choice and true/false questions.


Have students recall the symbols they learned. They will then make a poster of one of the national symbols. They will research their symbol to include at least three important facts about it.

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