Reading inflectional endings: -s and -es

Reading inflectional endings: -s and -es

I can correctly use the inflectional endings -s and -es.

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Reading inflectional endings: -s and -es

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Students learn what inflectional endings are, and how to read and use the inflectional endings -s and -es. They also learn that inflectional endings change the meaning of the word.



Learning objective

Students will be able to understand and read the inflectional endings -s and -es.


As a class, drag the word to its matching image. Describe inflectional endings to students. Explain that they are a group of letters added to the end of words that change the meaning of the word. With the words from the previous slide, they indicate a change in amount, so they show plural. They can also be added to verbs to indicate tense.


Start with the inflectional ending -es. Explain the rule of adding -es and give a few examples of -es ending words. Then explain the rule of adding -s and give a few examples of -s ending words. Make sure to emphasize that both inflectional endings indicate a plural of the root word when it is a noun, and both inflectional endings indicate tense when the root word is a verb. As a class, ask students to circle all the words that can have the -es inflectional ending. You may ask students to the front to circle a specific word and say the word with the -es ending, or have students write the words on a sheet of paper and then tell you which words to circle. Repeat this exercise with all the words that can have an -s inflectional ending. As a class, determine if the given words need an inflectional -s or -es by circling in red or blue. Then ask students to come to the board and drag either an -s or -es to the words in the sentences. Repeat with a second and third set of sentences. Then ask students to drag words to the column of -s or -es inflectional ending.


Students answer a set of true/false and multiple-choice questions about key concepts given in the lesson. Then must they determine which of the given words (with -s or -es) inflectional ending are the correct word to fill in the blank.


Discuss inflectional endings -s and -es with the class and remind them that they are important because they change the meaning of the root word. Close the lesson with a game. Spin the wheel and determine if the word gets an -s or -es inflectional ending and come up with a sentence that uses that word. There are two rounds of words.

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