Print upper- and lowercase Jj

Print upper- and lowercase Jj

I can recognize and print the letter Jj.

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Print upper- and lowercase Jj

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Students learn to recognize and write the upper- and lowercase letter J.



Learning objective

Students will be able to identify and print the upper- and lowercase letter Jj.


Review the letter Ii with the students by having them drag all of the letter "Ii"s back to the island. Then introduce the class to Jill, who will help you learn your letter today- she asks you to show her the upper and lowercase Jj.


Introduce the letter of the day- Jj. Drag the letter J's to where they belong on Jill's book. Have students practice saying the letter and drawing it in the air using their finger. Demonstrate writing the uppercase J on the interactive whiteboard and have students write on their own sheet of paper. Ask for a volunteer to write an uppercase J on the interactive whiteboard. Next, demonstrate writing a lowercase j on the interactive whiteboard and have students write on their own sheet of paper. Ask for a volunteer to write a lowercase j on the interactive whiteboard. Say a few Jj words together and practice making the "Jj" sound. Have students determine if the given words need an uppercase or lowercase Jj and then practice saying the words. Brainstorm Jj words with the class and then have students write 2 J words on their paper. The interactive whiteboard has a variety of pictures. The teacher will say the word and students must determine if the word said has a "Jj" in it. If so, they must raise their hands. Move the picture to check.


Students are given ten questions in which they must select the word(s) with the letter Jj, find upper or lowercase Jj's and questions in which they must select the upper or lowercase Jj's in a word.


Discuss the letter Jj- does anyone in class have a name that has the letter Jj? Close by doing a class brainstorm to come up with as many Jj words as possible.

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Lesson Template
Lesson Template
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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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