Place value- compare and order decimal numbers with 1, 2, or 3 decimal places

Place value- compare and order decimal numbers with 1, 2, or 3 decimal places

I can compare decimal numbers with 1, 2, or 3 decimal places and order them.

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Place value- compare and order decimal numbers with 1, 2, or 3 decimal places

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Students learn to compare decimal numbers with 1, 2, or 3 decimals and set them in numerical order.


Discuss with students when it might be useful to be able to compare decimal numbers. An example would be to discover how many kilometers you ran.


The interactive whiteboard shows a number line with three arrows. Drag the numbers to their correct place on the number line. Next, students are asked to circle specific numbers (less than a given number) and to set decimal numbers in numerical roder.


Show the decimal place value chart and using an example explain that you can use the chart to compare decimal numbers. By comparing the tens, ones, tenths, hundredths, and thousandths, you discover which number is the greater or less than the other. Explain that you can also use the decimal place value chart to set decimal numbers in numerical order going forwards or backwards. Show this with an example. A few exercises are shown on the interactive whiteboard, which numbers are greater and which are less? Erase the grey boxes to show the answer. Students must then set the given numbers in numerical order.

Check that students understand comparing decimals with 1, 2, or 3 decimal places and setting them in numerical order by asking them the following questions/giving them the following exercises:
- When is a decimal number greater than another decimal number?
- How do you know if a decimal number is greater than or less than another number?
- How do you know which is greatest or least?
- Write a decimal number that is less than 3.12.
- Write a decimal number that is greater than 5.138

Guided practice

Students first select from multiple choice answers and move to writing in their own answers to respond to which decimal number is greater than or less than the other. The then practice setting the decimal numbers in numerical order.


Discuss with the students that it is important to be able to compare decimal numbers and set them in numerical order so you know who has run the most kilometers. Check that students understand how to use the decimal place value chart and to use it as a tool to help them. To check that students understood, they must respond to a few statements. Is the statement true or false? Erase the box to see what the correct answer is.

Teaching tips

Students who have difficulty with comparing decimal numbers or setting them in numerical order should practice with the decimal place value chart. By focusing on one digit (in each place value) per time, they are able to break down the comparison into steps.

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