Organize an event sequence

Organize an event sequence

I can organize events in sequence and can recognize when an event or story is

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Organize an event sequence

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In this lesson, students will learn how to sequence events in stories. They will learn strategies, including questions to ask themselves when organizing a story. They will read several passages and sequence those stories.



Learning objective

Students will be able to organize events in sequence and can recognize when an event or story is out of sequence.


Sequencing refers to the identification of the beginning, middle, and end of a story. Students will look at questions they should ask themselves to organize a story they've read. They will also review transition words and talk about how narrative stories always have a beginning, middle, and end.


Students will look at questions they should ask themselves to organize a story they've read. They will also review transition words and talk about how narrative stories always have a beginning, middle, and end. They will see how an event (a flower growing) can be sequenced in writing. Next, they will write about a time they were lost. They will brainstorm the events, transitional words, and organize each event to match each transitional word. Then, they will form one logical narrative.

Students will identify the beginning, middle, and end of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." They will also read a story about going to the park with friends and sequence the events. They will then read a story about Super Kid that has been rearranged. They will put the story parts in the correct order.


Review sequencing with ten questions about transition words and the steps to sequence a story. They will also read a passage about Mr. Matters and put the events in order.


Have students recall why being able to sequence events in stories is an important skill for reading and writing. Lastly, students will read a short passage about Jean and her brother going to their grandma's house. They will sequence the events.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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