Making groups with amounts to 20

Making groups with amounts to 20

Making groups with amounts to 20

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Making groups with amounts to 20

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Students learn to make groups with amounts to 20. They make groups of various sizes, such as groups of 2, 5, and 10.

Common core standard(s)



Explain that it is important to be able to make groups of amounts, because then you can count the groups quickly. (example- using skip counting)


The interactive whiteboard shows different fruits in varying amounts. Students count the amounts of the different fruit and write their totals.


Demonstrate that there are different possible options for creating groups, like groups of 2, 5, and 10. Show that you can make groups of the same size in different ways. You can choose to make groups of objects that are next to each other, or with those that are above or below each other. Practice making different groups with the students on the interactive whiteboard. Next ask students to work with blocks to make groups in different sizes. Start with groups of 2, then groups of 3, of 4, and so on. When students are quick at this, you can ask them to also count the objects in the groups.

To check that students can make groups of different amounts up to 20, you can practice together once more on the interactive whiteboard. You can ask the following questions:
- How do you count from 1-20?
- What are easy ways to create groups?
- How can you divide this number into equal groups?

Guided Practice

Use the worksheet to practice making different groups.


Students who have difficulty with this goal can first make the groups with blocks or manipulatives, and then write their answer on the paper. Students who easily divide the objects into groups can also be asked to count the amount of objects in the groups and the grand total.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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