Introduction to numbers above 1,000

Introduction to numbers above 1,000

Introduction to numbers above 1,000

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Introduction to numbers above 1,000

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Students are introduced to the numbers between 1,000 and 3,000. They learn how the numbers are built and where they occur on the number line.

Common core standard(s)



Knowing numbers between 1,000 and 3,000 is needed to be able to calculate with bigger numbers.


Ask students to find the biggest number. Have students explain how they determined or found the biggest number. First look at the hundreds, then the tens, and finally at the ones. Talk about the aspects of 864- how it is said aloud, tens, ones, and position on the number line. Ask if any students know any numbers above 1,000. Talk about these numbers. Do the numbers stop after 1,000? Who knows how they go on?


Tell students that there is one thousands between 1,000 and 2,000. A thousands is a group of 1,000. This is visualized by the MAB blocks on the interactive whiteboard. You can also show this in the class. When you count on from 1,000 in ones you get 1,001, 1,002, 1,003, etc. Ask students to count on. When you count on from 1,000 in tens you get 1,010, 1,020, 1,030, etc. Ask students to count on. If you count on from 1,000 with hundreds you get 1,100, 1,200,1,300, etc. Ask students to count on from here as well.
Using MAB blocks, show the difference between 34,134, and 1,034. Make jumps of 1,000 with a MAB square of 1,000 blocks. Practice with the MAB blocks. First set down the thousands, then the hundreds, then the tens, and finally the ones. Students can also do this at their desks with MAB blocks (individually, in pairs, or in groups). Name the amount of thousands, hundreds, tens and ones using a ThHTO-table. Read the newspaper article. You place the number 1,700 in context. Pay attention to the naming of the number. Be sure to say one thousand, seven hundred, as the shortened form of seventeen hundred comes later in the lesson. Ask students- where else might we find the number 1,700? (number of books in the library, members of a club, number of papers sold, etc). Discuss the ThHTO-table as well as the number line for the number. Say that you can say this number in two different ways, even though you mean the same number. One thousand, seven hundred and seventeen hundred. With one thousand seven hundred you think about one cube of 1,000 and 7 blocks of 100. With seventeen hundred you think of 17 bills of $100. Practice this with a few numbers.

To check that students have been introduced to numbers above 1,000 you can ask the following questions.
- Where do you find numbers above 1,000?
- How do you know when a number is bigger than another? What do you look at first? (first the thousands, then the hundreds, tens and ones.

Guided Practice

Students first practice writing a number from its spoken form. Then they practice deciding the value of a number on a number line and also what the value of a digit in a number is.


Emphasize that it is necessary to know the numbers above 1,000 to be able to work with bigger numbers. Check that students can recognize the aspects of a number like they did at the start of the lesson with a number above 1,000.

Teaching Tip

Students who have difficulty with this goal can be supported by using MAB blocks and any other manipluatives to make this tangible and visible for the students. This helps clearly show the thousands, hundreds, tens and ones in a number. Repeat that you first write thousands, then hundreds, then tens, and end with ones. You can make use of the ThHTO-table.

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