Human characteristics of a community

Human characteristics of a community

I can identify and describe the human characteristics of a community.

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Human characteristics of a community

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In this lesson, students will learn about different human characteristics in a community, including land use, population, language, and religion.

Learning objective

Students will be able to identify and describe the human characteristics of a community.


Students will review the physical characteristics of a community. Then they will be introduced to what the human characteristics of a community are, for example, land use, population density, religion, and language.


Students will identify and describe each of the human characteristics of a community that were introduced. Then they will complete an activity to differentiate between human and physical characteristics. They will discuss with a partner about how human characteristics can give clues to the kind of place in which you may be.

Students will be given a task to explore more about human characteristics in their community. Each pair will be assigned a different human characteristic. They will think about how that characteristic is represented in their community. They will identify the characteristic in their community and think of a picture that would adequately symbolize it. The teacher will compile students' ideas into one slide to complete an infographic.


Review human characteristics with 4 multiple-choice and 6 short-answer questions.


Students will spin a wheel and then match the place. Then they will provide an example of a human characteristic in that particular place.

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