How visual elements contribute to the meaning of a text

How visual elements contribute to the meaning of a text

I can analyze visual elements and explain how they deepen my understanding

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How visual elements contribute to the meaning of a text

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In this lesson, students will analyze how textual and visual elements in the fables, The Two Travelers and the Purse, The North Wind and the Sun, and The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. There is a printable available (found on the title slide) for students to jot down textual and visual details for each fable.



Learning objective

Students will be able to analyze visual elements and explain how they deepen their understanding of what is happening in a text.


Students will name some examples of visual elements they have seen while reading texts (e.g., illustrations, maps, charts). They will also discuss the characteristics of fables. They will then talk about why readers analyze visual elements and why that is important.


They will read the fable The Two Travelers and the Purse while underlining details that appear in the illustration and the text, circling things in the illustration that do not appear in the text. Students will then use their graphic organizer handout to write about textual and visual details from the fable to get a deeper understanding.

Next, they will read The North Wind and the Sun and underline details that appear in both the illustration and the text. They will again fill out the graphic organizer with textual and visual details. They will then turn and talk to a neighbor about how the illustration helped them gain a deeper understanding of the The North Wind and the Sun.


In 10 questions, review how to analyze visual elements in literature and ask students to decide the visual elements that would help accompany a text.


Have students recall the importance of analyzing visual elements in literature. The last fable they will read in this lesson is The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. They will complete similar tasks with this passage. They will do a think-pair-write about how the illustration helps them gain a deeper understanding of this fable. Lastly, students will write their own fable or short story with characters, setting, plot, and dialogue.

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