How Earth's rotation causes day and night

How Earth's rotation causes day and night

I can explain how the Earth's rotation causes day and night.

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How Earth's rotation causes day and night

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In this lesson, students will learn about how the Earth rotates and how that causes night and night.



Learning objective

Students will be able to explain how the Earth's rotation causes day and night.


Students will discuss why they can't see the sun in the sky. They will then take part in a think-pair-share.


Students will do a short activity to assess their thoughts on the movements of the Earth and Sun. They will then learn about the Earth's rotation, spinning like a top. They will also discuss Earth's orbit around the Sun. Students will also do an activity about patterns and share an explanation for why they think (or do not think) that the Earth's rotation is a pattern.


Review the lesson with 4 true/false, 2 fill-in-the-blank, and 4 multiple-choice questions.


Using pictures of the Earth, students will put the pictures in an order and label them "night" and "day" to create a pattern that represents daytime and nighttime over a couple of days.

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