How author's purpose is conveyed

How author's purpose is conveyed

I can determine an author’s purpose in a text and understand how it is conveyed.

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How author's purpose is conveyed

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In this lesson, students will learn about author's purpose and that it usually falls under three categories: Persuade, Inform, or Entertain. Students will read several passages to determine the author's purpose as well as use details from the passages to support their answers.



Learning objective

Students will be able to determine an author’s purpose in a text and understand how it is conveyed.


Students will discuss author's purpose and answer the questions: "What types of reasons would an author have to write?" "How do you determine the message in a given text?" "What may a reader get out of reading a certain passage, book, article, or newspaper?" They will watch a video to discover some purposes an author has to write. Explain why it is important to recognize an author's purpose.


Show students a way to remember why authors write: PIE (Persuade, Inform, Entertain). They will read a passage about a tornado and analyze facts, details, descriptions, and wording to determine the author's purpose. They will write the author's purpose and the clues they used to determine those purposes. They will read short passages and decide if the purposes are to persuade, inform, or entertain.

Next, students will read a passage about Denver, Colorado and discuss the author's purpose. They will also read a passage about seeds and jot down the details, analysis, and the author's purpose. They will then analyze articles about smartphones in the classroom and noise pollution.


Students will answer 2 true/false and 8 multiple-choice questions.


Students will recall what they learned by answering these questions:
- What types of reasons would an author have to write?
- How can you determine an author's purpose?
- In what ways may an author's purpose be conveyed?

The lesson ends with a spin the wheel activity for students to write a paragraph with the purpose of either persuading, informing, or entertaining.

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