How animals change their environments

How animals change their environments

I can discuss how animals change their environment for their needs.

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How animals change their environments

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In this lesson, students will learn about two ways animals can change their environments for their needs: physical traits and behaviors.



Learning objective

Students will be able to discuss how animals change their environment for their needs.


Students will look at images of animals changing their environments and discuss them as a class. They will be introduced to the terms "adaptation" and "environment".


Students will be presented with examples of physical traits, like sharks' gills and animals' fur. They will also look at examples of behavior, like whale migrating and bears hibernating. They will engage in two activities sorting between physical traits and behaviors.


Review how animals change their environments with true/false, sorting, and multiple-choice questions.


Students will recall what they learned in the lesson. They will also complete an exit ticket putting an animal in an environment to help it blend in and identifying where a bear would hibernate.

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