Happy New Year!

Start the new year off with a bang!

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Happy New Year!

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Use the activities in this lesson to start the new year off with a bang. The activities are focused on fostering conversation and reflection.

My vacation
Have students share stories from their vacations using the spinning dial and conversation topics.

Get moving if...
Use this activity to burn off some wiggles and have students share some of the things they did during the vacation. Students also discover similarities and differences with classmates, which can help foster communication.

Where do you stand?
Use this reflective activity individually or as a class. Ask students to think about what they have learned or achieved during this school year and then look to the future to determine what they still want to achieve, what steps they must take to make it happen, and how they can make it a reality.


Save this lesson in your own folder and then modify it to fit your classroom needs.

The online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools

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  • Increase student engagement

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Lesson Template
Lesson Template
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Giving change to 20 dollars
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Handwriting Letters - D'Nealian Block
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Daily social emotional learning activities (K-3)

About Gynzy

Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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