

I can describe fall/autumn and make observations about the season.

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Students will learn about autumn weather, fruits and vegetables, clothing, holidays, and activities. They will also participate in a nature walk and make observations about the leaves they collect.



Learning Objective

Students will be able to describe the fall season and identify appropriate clothes for the season. They will also be able to list a number of autumn-weather activities and compare their ideas with their classmates. Students will also record observations about leaves.


Begin by introducing the fall season. Ask students what they believe happens during this season. After this, list some of the holidays that take place during these months. Which students have a birthday in the fall? Have them raise their hands or stand up! Then describe the weather in the fall and the clothes we wear during this time.


List some of the fruits and vegetables that are in season during the fall like apples, pumpkins, and corn. Have students vote on their favorite fruits and vegetables. You can take a tally of their votes and also use the bar chart by clicking on the lines to show how many students chose that item. After this, students will compare apples and pumpkins by filling out the venn diagram. There is a printable worksheet included for this activity. Next, go over some fall activities and have students drag a checkmark to indicate the activities they’ve participated in.

Students will then go on a nature walk and collect the leaves they find. Then have students make observations about their leaves using the printable worksheet included for this activity. You can also record their observations as a class on the board. Finally, they will complete a leaf rubbing by placing the leaf under a piece of paper and rubbing gently over it with a crayon. Students can watch the video to view an example.


Students complete a writing assignment in which they write about their favorite leaf that they collected. They can describe its color, texture, size, and more!

Teaching tips

For the nature walk, you might choose to have students walk around the school or in a park if possible. You can choose certain points to let students stop and make observations using their five senses to later record on the board.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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