Distinguish between similarly spelled words

Distinguish between similarly spelled words

I can tell the difference between similarly spelled words.

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Distinguish between similarly spelled words

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Students learn to distinguish between similarly spelled words. They practice with many comparable words but are challenged to find the differences.



Learning objective

Students will be able to tell the difference between similarly spelled words.


Start the class with a discussion of the word similar. What does it mean if things are similar? Ask students if they can come up with examples of similar items in the classroom or between classmates. Then focus on the fact that words can be similar.


Expand on the idea that words can be similar by showing the students the yellow square with three-letter words. At the top, one word is given, and then two of the same words, but missing a letter. As a class, try to come up with two other examples of words that are spelled with those letters. Repeat with the three other covered words. Explain that being able to distinguish between similarly spelled words is important because it will help you become a better reader. Practice creating new words with students on the next slides. One word is given, and a second must be created using a letter from the word bank below. Then ask students to identify and circle the letter that has changed between two given words. Ask a student to come to the front to drag a word to its given picture. Review the idea of similarly spelled words and ask students if they can come up with similar alternatives to the word "jig".


Students are given ten questions. They first get pictures that they must match to the words. Then students are given a word and asked to select which new word it can be turned into by changing one letter.


Discuss the importance of being able to distinguish between similarly spelled words because it makes you a better reader. Close by playing a game in groups or pairs. Spin the wheel and have students determine which word is created if you change the given letter.

Teaching tips

Students who have difficulty recognizing the difference between letters can be supported by reviewing the alphabet and being confident about the discrete letters.

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