Differences between climate and weather

Differences between climate and weather

I can identify differences between climate and weather.

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Differences between climate and weather

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In this lesson, students will learn all about the differences between climate and weather. They will learn what exactly weather is, what defines weather, elements of weather, and meteorology. In addition, they will learn how climate is different but related to weather. Students will learn what exactly defines climate, and the different types of climates around the world. Students will be able to connect what they learn in the lesson to real life by watching videos further explaining the differences between weather and climate and creating a Venn Diagram to list all the similarities and differences they can think of between the two. The lesson will end with an activity in which students will write a script for a meteorologist on the teleprompter to give today's forecast on TV. They will then read their script aloud in front of their classmates, and act as if they are the meteorologist.



Learning objective

Students will be able to differentiate between climate and weather


Introduce students to weather and climate by having them pair up with a classmate and write 3words that come to mind when they hear each word.


Understand what weather is and how it is always changing, day-to-day. Have students check the 10-day weather forecast in their area by completing a web activity and discussing their answers to questions that follow. Teach specific details about weather including the different elements that combine to create weather. Learn about meteorology and the many instruments used to gather information about weather. Understand how climate is the average measurements of weather conditions in a place over the course of many years. Learn specific details about climate and slide to reveal facts to further their knowledge. Analyze pictures of some of the different types of climates found across the world. Have students differentiate between weather and climate by watching two videos explaining what the two are. Apply knowledge learned by summarizing each video, and then creating a Venn Diagram noting the differences and similarities between weather and climate.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice and true/false questions


Students will complete an interactive activity in which they will write a script for a meteorologist on the teleprompter to give today’s forecast on TV. They will then pretend they are the meteorologist and read it in front of their classmates.

Instruction materials

Students will need the following for activities in the lesson:
- Notebook
- Pencils
- Computer or Electronic Device for web activities

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