Counting disorganized amounts to 20

Counting disorganized amounts to 20

Counting disorganized amounts to 20

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Counting disorganized amounts to 20

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Students learn to count disorganized amounts to 20. They do this by crossing out the counted objects.

Common core standard(s)



Explain that it is useful to be able to count to 20 so you know how many objects there are. You also need to be able to count to work with numbers later.


The interactive whiteboard has various numbers to 20 on the board. Point at the numbers and ask students which number it is.


The interactive whiteboard shows 10 rabbits. You can use this image to help explain how you count the rabbits. Explain that it is useful to cross out the rabbits as you count them. When you do that, you avoid forgetting any, or counting any twice. You can also demonstrate that you can count them from top to bottom, or from left to right. Demonstrate this once and then ask students to count along with you. The next slide shows sheep. Count the sheep along with the students, crossing them off as they get counted. To check that students can count in amounts, ask them to count the animals on the farm. Next ask them to count the fish by dragging the fish from the lake to the fishbowl. As you drag the fish, count them aloud.

To check that students understand counting disorganized amounts to 20 you can ask the following questions:
- What number do you start at?
- How do you count from 1 to 20?
- How many objects are there?

Guided Practice

Students practice on their worksheet. Do the first three together. Encourage students to cross off the objects as they are counted, to avoid missing any or counting them twice.


Check that students are able to count disorganized amounts to 20. Emphasize that it is important to be able to count to 20, so you can count up to 20 objects. Check that they can do this by doing the exercise on the interactive whiteboard together and discussing it. Students count the amounts and answer a multiple choice question.

Teaching Tip

If students have difficulty with this, ask them to practice the numbers to 20 on the number line. Have them write and say the numbers. They may also be supported by using blocks or manipulatives to move as they count.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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