Connection between two events

Connection between two events

I can make a connection between two events.

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Connection between two events

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Good readers make connections when they read. Students learn that a connection is a way to describe how 2 events are related. Students will learn to make inferences about how 2 events are connected. The lesson explains three different types of connections: 1) Compare/contrast 2) Cause/effect 3) Sequence. It is filled with several engaging and interactive activities for students to practice this skill!



Learning objective

Students will be able to describe the connection between two events in a text.


Have students observe the two images on the board. What connections can they make? Explain what connections and inferences are, then introduce the 3 types of connections: compare and contrast, cause and effect, and sequence.


Go over each type of connection and share some keywords for each type like “both,” “because,” and “next.” Students will then drag two images and compare/contrast the two events depicted. You can repeat this activity by choosing different images and placing them on the scale to compare. Next, have students read the two passages, one about soccer and the other about football. Drag the statements to compare and contrast the two sports on the Venn Diagram. After this, read the passage about rain. Read the different effects and have students write or type the cause in the circle. Students will then practice sequencing events by dragging events into the right order and reading about the butterfly life cycle.


Students respond to ten questions in which they practice making connections using images.


There are 3 spinners on the board, one for comparing and contrasting, one for cause and effect, and one for sequencing. To compare and contrast, spin the wheel twice for two different events, then compare them. For cause and effect, spin the wheel and land on a “cause.” Students should think of possible “effects” that could result from that event. For sequence, describe which stage of the plant life cycle the image depicts.

These activities can be repeated multiple times. Also, feel free to customize and change the images around the spinners!

Read our blog post to learn more about reading comprehension exercises!

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