Connection between sentences and paragraphs

Connection between sentences and paragraphs

I can understand the connection between sentences and paragraphs.

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Connection between sentences and paragraphs

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In this lesson, students will learn about three different types of paragraph structures in informational texts: sequence, cause and effect, and compare and contrast. Students will complete several activities, including reading paragraphs and identifying signal words, as well as determine text structures of paragraphs.



Learning objective

Students will be able to understand the connection between sentences and paragraphs.


Students will look at a series of pictures of a family making a meal and put them in order. They will also identify pictures of a raincloud and an umbrella as the cause or effect. Students will compare and contrast two images of cats. Ask students why it might be important to be able to use sentences to understand paragraphs as a whole.


Explain that when sentences within a paragraph have a sequence, they are usually shown with signal words, such as "first," "next," "then," and "last." When a paragraph has the text structure of cause and effect, using signal words, like, "since" and "because." And, when a paragraph has the text structure of compare and contrast they show differences and similarities, using signal words, like, "similar" and "in contrast."

Students will read a short passage about Ponce de Leon and circle signal words. Next, they will read paragraphs about elephants and cats, and determine how the sentences connect. They will also read paragraphs about apples and oranges, cake baking, and a snowman, and identify the correct text structure.


Students will respond to 10 questions which cover key concepts from the lesson.


Students will recall:
- What are the three types of paragraphs we looked at today?
- Why is it important to understand how sentences and paragraphs are connected?

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