Concrete words and phrases and sensory details

Concrete words and phrases and sensory details

I can add sensory details to my narrative writing.

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Concrete words and phrases and sensory details

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Students learn about adding concrete words and phrases as well as sensory details to their narrative writing.



Learning objective

Students will be able to identify sensory details and use sensory words in their writing.


Set students in pairs and ask them to turn and talk. Have them discuss the things they might experience with their five senses related to the picture on the interactive whiteboard. Define the term sensory details with the class. Sensory details can be added to narrative writing to help hook the reader and keep them engaged.


Ask students if they can come up with concrete words for describing what they see and hear, and then share a few possible examples. Repeat this with concrete words for describing taste, smell, and touch. As a class, read the text and highlight the different senses in the colors given. In the next texts, ask students to determine which of the five senses are not present in the given texts. Give students a writing prompt and tell them to write for a predetermined amount of time. Tell them that they must include sensory details. Optional- if the prompt is too abstract for students, you may change it to a prompt about their favorite food. When the writing is complete, have students share their work with a partner and use the checklist to make sure their partner used all of the sensory details. Have them give their partners a star and a wish, and then ask if anyone wants to share their work with the class.


Students are given 10 questions in which they must answer questions relating to reviewing the 5 senses, as well as questions that ask them to determine which sense is being used in a text as well as linking given words to a particular sense.


Remind students that they are now able to add sensory details to narrative writing. This is important because it hooks your reader and keeps them engaged with the writing⏤sensory details help the reader experience the same thing as the characters. To close, two pictures are given and students must spin the wheel and come up with sensory details about the pictures.

Teaching tips

Students who find the term "sensory detail" challenging can remember senses- and that all it means is adding the five senses to the writing.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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