Comparing animals: birds & bats, zebras & lions, cats & mice

Comparing animals: birds & bats, zebras & lions, cats & mice

I can compare and contrast different animals.

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Comparing animals: birds & bats, zebras & lions, cats & mice

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In this lesson, students learn what it means to compare and contrast different types of animals, and practice this by using sentence starters and Venn diagrams. Practice comparing and contrasting bats and birds, zebras and lions, and cats and mice!


1-LS1-1; 1-LS1-2; (LS3.B: Variation of Traits)

Learning Objective

Students will be able to identify the similarities and differences between two animals.


Students will be asked to observe two animals: a frog and a peacock. How are they the same? How are they different? Explain what it means to compare and contrast, and tell students that they can use the following sentence starters: “They are the same because…” and “They are different because...”


Begin by modeling the skill and comparing bats and birds. Read the text and the response of the student on the board. Then show students the Venn diagram and explain where the information goes. After modeling, have students do the same for zebras and lions. Have them read the informational text and explain the similarities and differences using their sentence starters. What do they notice is different and the same between the two animals? Have them drag the characteristics to the correct place in the Venn diagram. After this, they will list 2 ways that lions and zebras are the same, and two ways in which they are not. Follow the same procedure for cats and mice. As they read, students can underline specific details.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice and true/false questions. They will be shown pictures of the animals discussed in the lesson and make comparisons.


Review the skill of comparing and contrasting and recall some information about the animals discussed. Students will pick any two animals from this lesson and fill in the Venn diagram. For example, they may compare a lion and mouse or a bird and a cat.

Related lessons

Other science lessons from Gynzy related to comparing and contrasting animals include:

- Comparing animals: guinea pigs & rabbits, turtles & crabs, etc.
- How young animals are alike and unlike their parents
- Classification of animal groups
- What animals eat

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