Compare and contrast similar themes in stories

Compare and contrast similar themes in stories

I can compare and contrast themes in stories.

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Compare and contrast similar themes in stories

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In this lesson, students will learn about common themes in stories and how to determine the theme of the texts they read. They will read several short stories in this lesson and compare and contrast the themes. To apply this knowledge, they will also write their own short stories and discuss the themes with partners.



Learning objective

Students will be able to compare and contrast themes in stories.


Students will discuss in pairs about times they were challenged or made mistakes. What did they learn from overcoming the challenge or mistake? They will also discuss what they know about fiction texts.


Explain that authors of fiction texts often teach readers a lesson through characters in the story (theme). Define theme and review how readers determine the theme. Discuss common themes, such as friendship, hard work, love, and perseverance.

Students will review how to compare and contrast—finding similarities and differences. They will read several different types of fiction texts. They will be about a girl named Marcy trying out for soccer, Miranda working hard to become a teacher, first day of school jitters, and bullies. They will answer questions about each text, as well as questions that require them to think about the similarities and differences between the themes of the texts. There will be opportunities for students to discuss the texts throughout the lesson.


Students will answer 10 questions reviewing concepts about theme, as well as determining and comparing the theme of two short stories.


Students will recall what they learned about themes in narratives and then write their own short stories where a character learns a lesson. They will share their stories with a partner and determine the theme. Discuss similarities and differences.

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