Compare and contrast mysteries

Compare and contrast mysteries

I can compare and contrast story elements across multiple mystery stories.

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Compare and contrast mysteries

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In this lesson, students will discuss the story elements of mysteries and learn how to become skilled detectives when reading mysteries. They will read and compare and contrast two mystery passages. A printable is available on the first slide of the lesson.



Learning objective

Students will be able to compare and contrast story elements across multiple mystery stories.


Students will discuss the genre of mystery and share examples of mysteries they have read. They will also discuss the story elements that mystery texts might include. They will see the types of characters that are in mystery texts. They will then discuss how mystery readers can become skilled detectives.


Review how to compare and contrast—finding similarities and differences. Students will go through the lesson thinking about the similarities and differences of characters, problems, and solutions. Students will read two mystery texts: one about a missing class hamster and the other about lost bicycles. They will answer comprehension questions about each text, and then think about the similarities and differences between the elements of the two texts. They will complete a Venn Diagram (printable) comparing and contrasting the two passages.


Students answer 10 questions in which they will review different aspects of mysteries and how to compare and contrast them.


Students will write their own mystery stories. They will share their stories with a partner and note similarities and differences.

Instruction materials

- printable (available on first slide)

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