Communication and transportation

Communication and transportation

I can identify and describe different types of communication and transportation

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Communication and transportation

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In this lesson, students will learn what transportation is and identify different types of transportation for land, air, and sea. They will also learn what communication is and identify different methods of communicating. Students practice distinguishing between transportation and communication and see how transportation and communication have changed over the years.

Learning Objective

Students will be able to describe different types of communication and transportation used in the world.


Students talk to a partner about a place they have traveled to and how they got there. They can also talk about a place they would like to go to and how they could get there.


Explain what transportation is and show students some examples of different methods of transportation on land, on water, and in the air. Have students sort the images into the correct category: Land, water, or air. Next, talk about communication and the different ways people communicate. Go over verbal and nonverbal communication. Show students pictures of some means of communication. Can they identify these items? After this, students drag the “t” for transportation and the “C” for communication to the different pictures. Explain that transportation and communication have changed over the years. Share some examples like cars and televisions from the past and present. What other modes of communication or transportation have changed over the years? Finally, have students look around the room and find out in which country different items were made. See if they can find those places on the map!


Check student understanding with ten multiple-choice and true or false questions.


Students will write about a type of transportation or communication they have learned about. They should include what it looks like, why people use it, and if they themselves will ever use it.

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