Color quantities 6 to 10

Color quantities 6 to 10

Color quantities 6 to 10

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Color quantities 6 to 10

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Students learn to color quantities from 6-1. They know which number belongs to which quantity.

Common core standard(s)



Explain to students that it is important to learn how to color quantities to 10 so that they recognize the quantities that belong to each number.


Place blocks on the table in an organized group in a maximum group of ten (rows of two, three, five, or one long row). Ask a student to come to the front and ask how many blocks they count. Ask if they can skip count or count in groups. Then show the image of the strawberries on the interactive whiteboard and ask the class how many strawberries there are. For this counting as well encourage group or skip counting.


The interactive whiteboard has an image of ten pencils with the numbers 1-10 written below them. Point at the pencils and count them out loud. Show that you can color the pencils. First show the row with six pencils colored in. Point at the colored pencils and count them out loud. The next image has seven colored pencils. Again, point at the pencils that are colored in and count them out loud. Repeat this until all ten pencils have been colored in. To check that students understand how to color an quantity of objects, show the row of apples. They are asked to color eight. Color the apples or drag the first apples off (uncovering the colored apples). Demonstrate the correct answer. Repeat this with the candies on the next page. Finally show the leaves on the interactive whiteboard and ask how many have been colored. Ask them to count aloud.

Check that students can color the right quantity of objects by asking the following questions:
How do you know how many objects are colored?
How can you make sure you color the right quantity of objects?

Guided Practice

Students use a worksheet to practice coloring amounts from 6-10.


Explain to students that it is useful to be able to color quantities to 10 so you know how many objects belong to a number. Ask students how many triangles are colored. Next show the row of squares and say that nine squares need to be colored. Color the squares or drag the squares off (uncovering colored squares) to demonstrate the correct answer.

Teaching Tip

Students who have difficulty coloring objects, can write the numbers 1-10 below the objects. In this manner they have the number line to show which number belongs to which object. Ask them to count the colored objects out loud. Students who are comfortable with this can ben asked to practice recognizing numbers without counting them one by one.

Instruction materials


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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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